Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I believe the current allegations being brought out against John Travolta whom, by his dark side has proven to be a monster.Cases being settled out of court, a victim being so scared or distraught  that he gets one date wrong or just the fear of going up against a Goliath and backing down out of threats and a sense you will be harmed DO NOT vindicate anyone.
I also didn't want to learn what I did as I was once an avid fan but the truth speaks for itself. Read on please.
In my opinion, one only has to and know the entire story about Jett Travolta, (John and Kelly Preston's son), and his unnecessary death to know this almost 60 year old man needs help. (go to AutismBattle dot comJ)
Jett Travolta was believed to have Autistic Spectrum Disorders. Jett died just over three years
ago at a mere 16 years of age from smashing his head on the side of a hotel room tub during a routine seizure occurrence which he suffered from most of his life. He was
found hours later by a caregiver. John had continuously refused anti-seizure meds for his son because of his religious beliefs.
John and Kelly have been members of The Church of Scientology, (or Sci-Fi-Tology), for years along with Tom Cruise, Katy and others who openly profess their Dianetic beliefs. Amazing, a man who creates a Church is the same man who failed school after school, lied about his entire past, was kicked out of nearly every European Country and was so rascist, he referred to the Chinese temples as trashy and called the Chinese, 'Chinks.' His science background nin college was a class he rarely attended, detested and got an F in and his 'blood' kinship to American Indians has been rebutted. Even his growing up life was refuted by his Aunt. In short, the man has been proven to be a liar in almost every aspect of his life.
Still, The Travolta's put Lafayette Ron Hubbard's teachings ahead of their son's life. OMG
Ironic though that at 49 and 56, fertility pills were OK'd so that John and Kelly could have their
now 2 year old son, baby Benjamen. This mother of two boys with Spectrum Disorders first saw the Hollywood family posing with the new baby during the second year anniversary of Jett's death for a People Magazine cover story. I felt the timing was in terrible taste. Little was mentioned about the oldest child and even less has been scrutinized by a media which normally thrives on uncovering such dark stories.
Years prior, Joey Travolta, (John's brother who also had his degree in Special Education), had directed the documentary entitled 'Normal People Scare Me'. This globally acclaimed film focused on the lives of four other boys with Autistic Spectrum Disorders, (ASD), was something Joey had hoped would bring Autism Awareness to John and Kelly. The couple's denial, beliefs and ignorance were keeping Jett from getting the Early Intervention and medical therapies which could have benefitted he so badly needed and which would have ultimately saved his precious but misunderstood life. Joey saw his brother's pride standing in the way of accepting his son. His background in Special Education, film making and love for his nephew drove him to making a tremendous contribution into ASD Awareness for the world. John Travolta's refusal to be seen publicly with Jett and mistreatment of the child in the home alienated many who were formerly close to both John and Kelly.
John and Kelly's favortism to one child over the other was painfully obvious and outright deliberate. It seemed they wanted the world to forget they ever had a son. In their religion, Autism is seen as some form of deserved punishment by the child himself. (??????) They took advantage of numerous photo opportunities and talk shows accompanied ONLY by their daughter, Ella, who they refer to as 'princess'.
When it came to their oldest child Jett, except for one photo shoot when rumors of John's neglect and rejection of Jett were hot in the news, Jett was typically, (though only very
rarely), seen wearing a hood, (even on hot days), ear buds in to avoid him speaking. and John with a look of disgust and embarrassment. When his brother's film premiered, Kelly and John weren't at the red carpet opening they were not only graciously invited to, but as many knew, they were the hopeful guests of honor. They stood up Joey publicly thereby ignoring Joey's education, research, hard work and the pleas to embrace Jett's unique beauty.
 There is no shame or gloom and doom associated with the diagnosis of Autism! On the contrary, it is a gift of genius and savant with most of the greatest and most talented minds throughout history sharing the same diagnosis!
After the debut of the film Sylvester Stallone and Phoebe Snow, (R.I.P), on behalf of their own children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Sergeoh Stallone and Phoebe's adopted daughter, Valerie Rose Snow, took out a full page in The Hollywood Interrupted Newspaper urging John to accept and help Jett "before it was too late". This attempt at getting help for Jett from his Scientology parents failed as well. I can only imagine that anyone who also knows this tragic story shares with me the huge sadness surrounding this child's forewarned, unnecessary and untimely death. The thought of the injured and terrified Jett Travolta, lying bleeding to death alone on a bathroom floor in a hotel room in the Grand Bahamas is horrifying.
Their Church doesn't allow anti seizure meds even though, especially in this case, they would have saved Jett from years of painful seizures and ultimately would have saved his life! John and Kelly just don't seem devout enough to be able to put the church before the kids in order to get away with his suffering and ultimate death.NO PARENT should be allowed to use religion as an excuse to torture or neglect a child.
I also believe that any of us 'average' Americans would be in prison for far less negligence to one of our own children. Child Protective Services would and should be all over this type of tragedy involving any child.
Forensic guidelines in this country clearly state that no one dies from merely a seizure. The seizure must be accompanied by choking, a heart attack, a crash, a fall or something. 'Seizure' in other parts of the world can alone be classified as the sole cause of might want, I'm sure the 10% tithing death requiring no further investigation. Such was the unfortunate case in The Grand Bahamas. The coroner in The Travolta's paradise vacation spot dismissed 'seizure' as the cause of death. Further, in the US, leaving a child alone who has a history of seizures, special needs, dysfunction or other similar issues which endanger them would be deemed as negligence, if not gross negligence.

Every parent and/ or caregiver knows that the scariest sound a child ever makes is silence. Where were John and Kelly when the unmistakable sound of a skull banging the side of a tub followed by who knows, moans?, shrieks?, cries for mommy and daddy?, or finally the chilling silence of their first born son occurred? The fact that a caregiver, not a parent found the child's body should have been investigated immediately. 

From Cocaine abuse to in my opinion, Murder, it's old news that the money and fame bunch get lighter punishments or none at all in comparison to a 'normal' person. As for this most recent vulgar allegation involving a display of complete disregard for dignity, self respect, or the respect of his family or others, maybe this will at last cause the world to look deeper into John's well hidden past. In response to the allegations, John claims that this man is only looking for his 15 minutes of fame. In truth, the man went out of his way to protect his identity by filing as an anonymous John Doe'! Ironic also that the receipt stamped in New York lacks John's signature and come on people, don't we know that big money can conjure up any alibi? Hey John, why not just take a televised lie detector? That's what I would do. Admissible or not, it would go a long way in your fans eyes. NOT taking one makes me believe the accusers,. Plus, you'd get huge money and be able to buy even more power. What network wouldn't pay millions to have celebs take polygraphs about their dark sides?
I left a message for Okorie, (the victim's attorney), to call me but he never did.
I never, ever believe any vindication like this when the threats of suing the victim and their attorney's are put on the table.
The Bible says Scribes and Pharisees will be judged first. That means you Mr. Singer.
I believe that perhaps John is seeking companionship with complete strangers, (male or female), as a means of distraction instead of dealing with his own role in Jett's death and the tremendous guilt he SHOULD have.
In my opinion, Kelly is equally guilty in the negligence surrounding Jett Travolta's life and death. She could have left the church and her husband to put her son's needs and life first.
I feel sorry for their daughter Ella, who loved her big brother dearly but has had to live through this life torn by the actions taken by her parents. I also feel sorry for the Simpson kids who have to live with a father that at the very least beat the hell out of their mother, Nicole Brown Simpson. Once again, OJ is claiming to be so broke after having to live on a measly 300,000 a year, why not do a media frenzied polygraph? With double jeopardy you're safe anyway, right?
For the sake of the spirit of Jett Travolta, I hope that the, truth will finally be revealed and Autistic Spectrum Disorders will no longer be an excuse for contemptuous parenting. If not for the Autism gene, we wouldn't be reading these articles online in the first place. Bill Gates, Albert Einstein, Tom Hanks, Daryl Hannah, 5 US Presidents including Lincoln and Jefferson, Orson Wells, James Durbin, James Taylor, Wolfgang Mozart, Stephen Spielberg, Andy Warhol, Dr. Temple Grandin, Michelangelo, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, my dad, my sons and so many other amazing, talented, creative and brilliant people also share in the gifted diagnosis of Autistic Spectrum Disorders! (Why it is called The Department of Disabilities instead of The Department of ABILITIES makes no sense at all.) Society must change the stigma and finally embrace, understand and accept Autism as it has globally reached 1 in 30. (In 1980 it was 1 in 10,000).
Luckily for all of us that the parents of this elite group weren't also members of the Travolta/ Cruise church of 'Sci-Fi-tology'. Although the actions of member celebrities like Spousal Cheating, Child Abuse and Neglect, Gay Groping, Drug Addiction and more are not things founder L. Ron Hubbard would be happy about, I am certain that the 10% tithing from the rich far outweighs condemning their 'sins'. The founder has made more than 5,000 writings, including dozens of books, and in 3,000 tape-recorded lectures but doesn't come out and speak about the accusations against one of his wealthiest and most famed supporters. A journalist at the time who looked into the role the churchh played in Jett's life, (and death), wrote:
“The Scientology couple [John Travolta and Kelly Preston] cannot even publicly admit that their son is afflicted with a neurological disorder, lest - according to the incontrovertible doctrine of Scientology founder L Ron Hubbard - he be labeled a "degraded being" that brought his affliction onto himself.”   .
In closing, I can only hope that John can't get a 'homosexual Jewish lawyer' to parlay his fame, fortune, (and/ or sexual favors), into justice once again not being served. Although between the time I started this story and today's date, like tin he death of his son, he walks away again a free monster.I urge everyone to avoid being a part of this couple's next vacation in The Grand Bahams by boycotting all movies which use the Travoltas.
In memory of Jett, I hope every reader takes one step closer to seeing Autism in a new light so these events won't happen again to any child.
Rest in peace beautiful Jett Travolta.
As with all of my own research, I ask that you do NOT believe everything I or anyone else writes. I ask that if this should trigger anything inside you to want to know more you should do your own homework as well. Perhaps you may find exactly what I did.

I do not write anything I do not believe to be the whole and impartial truth.

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